A message from The Hamilton Kilty B’s Junior Hockey Club, News (Burlington City Rep Hockey Club)

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Mar 15, 2019 | Admin | 2164 views
A message from The Hamilton Kilty B’s Junior Hockey Club
Hamilton Kilty B’s vs St Catherine’s Falcon’s  Thursday Mar. 21, 2019


                                     Teams warm up at 6:30 pm and the puck drops at7:00 pm

The Dave Andreychuk / Mountain Arena (The HIVE)

25 Hester St. Hamilton, ON. 905-546-3747


Admission only $12.00 for Adults and Kids under 12 are free with a Paying Parent.Students and Seniors are only $8.00. That’s right!

  • All home games are hosted by our child friendly STINGER the mascot
  • 1stIntermission mini games with Minor Hockey or the Mighty Expedite Race to the Finish tricycle race
  • STINGER T-Shirt & prize tosses throughout the game
  • Live National Anthemperformances
  • Door prize draws throughout the game with the purchase of 50/50 or Team programs
  • 2ndintermission SHOOT-A-RAMA for a lucky fan’s chance to win a $25 or $50 gift certificate with Dinner for 4 to Shoeless Joe’s Upper James
  • HUGE 50/50 draw
  • Dominos Pizza hot pizza giveaway to the craziest and hungriest fans

Try and win a WHEELBARROW FULL OF LIQUOR throughout the playoffs. Tickets only $5.00 each or 3 for $10. All proceeds go back to the Team.

Tune in to Coach Ken Peroff live every Monday at 4:45 pm on TSN 1150 am Radio Coach Ken talks about the latest and greatest with your Hamilton Kilty B’s Junior Hockey Club.


After the game children are welcome to meet the players right in the dressing room, take a free Team Poster and request autographs


Please keep an eye on our web site for more upcoming monthly events


Global Fuels
Official Sponsor of the Burlington Eagles Trainer Program