Tomorrow's Eagles Ready for the Challenge, News (Burlington City Rep Hockey Club)

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Mar 31, 2017 | Admin | 1371 views
Tomorrow's Eagles Ready for the Challenge
Junior Eagles close out the 2016-2017 in Style with a skills session at Mountainside.

Well there it is…all finished.

I just wanted to say thanks to all the parents. The commitment you put in is incredible. Even with all your other priorities the kids kept showing up every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This month was packed and everyone came to the arena in positive spirits.

The kids were a pleasure to coach. Every single kid was a good kid. A determined kid. And every single kid got better as the season went on.

They have created so many little memories for me, and I truly get excited seeing how much they have improved and how much the love of the game grew within them.

I am sure I will see you all around the rink. Good look with your next chapter.

Coach Paul

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