Tryout Information Update, News (Burlington City Rep Hockey Club)

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Apr 06, 2016 | Admin | 4652 views
Tryout Information Update
Please remember to check the Eagles website for news or updates about Tryouts.
Please see the following regarding Late Registrants, Goalie Only Skates and F1 Waivers.

Late Registrants:
If you registered for tryouts after March 31, you will not receive a Group assignment email until Saturday April 9th.

Goalie Only Skates:
Goalie only skates are time-specific.  Emails informing you of your time to report to the Goalie Only Skates will go out on Friday April 8th.

F1 Waivers:
Pass through F1 waivers are available from Tracy at the Eagles office during office hours (posted on website).  Please have your player with you as well as the F1 from your home centre.

Burlington residents requesting an F1 waiver must first contact their Convenor who will confirm to Tracy that the player did in fact attend our tryouts and is eligible for an F1. Please do not go to the office without contacting your Convenor first.  Convenor contact information is on the Eagles website.  Your player must be with you to sign the F1 waiver.
Global Fuels
Official Sponsor of the Burlington Eagles Trainer Program