Oct 13, 2019 | Warren Sheridan | 514 views
That's how many penalty minutes Tiger accumulated over his NHL career becoming the most penalized player in NHL history.
The reason I am highlighting this fact is that it seems our team is on a similar bent. The only difference of course is that Tiger deserved those PIMs and in a lot of cases we (arguably) did not.
Our recently appointed PK units got plenty of work in the third as the PIMs seemed to be incessantly charged against our Eags. Not only did the boys do an incredible job eating those risky minutes, but it gave our over-worked centres a chance to breathe...wait a minute, those over-worked centres were stealing oxygen in the sin bin!
Chocolate Balls put on another cucumber impersonation, staying cool during some hectic moments. The only grapefruit Milton was able to pick was during one of those many short handed situations.
Channeling his inner Nick Shore and in the absence of his Dad, Madman potted two sweet goals against a typically stingy Milton club.
With thanks to the alphabet, our convocation moves into second (sort of) in the Tri-County Smith decision. Today's tilt versus Oakville is a big deal. Coach has requested that no turkey or tryptophan be consumed until after the game.