Sep 08, 2016 | Admin | 1919 views
Minor PeeWee AAA Gift of Giving Back
Every Shot is a Chance to Make a
Difference. Be the Difference Maker. The Minor PeeWee AAA team is asking our
opponents to support our Gift of Giving Back efforts by bringing diapers and
peanut butter to our games and the Toronto Red Wings rose to this challenge and
exceeded our expectations for donations and also creates awareness of the Gift
of Giving Back with other minor hockey associations.
The Burlington Eagles organization is involved in the Gift of Giving Back ( and we would like to ask for your support in engaging young people in order to develop strong community minded citizens for the future and eradicating hunger across Canada and in our community by having your players bring food donations (specifically diapers and peanut butter) to our upcoming game on October 29. Attached is a photo of our team and the Toronto Red Wings (who we played in a preseason exhibition game) with their donations.