EAGLES U10-13 AAA COACH ANNOUNCEMENT, News (Burlington City Rep Hockey Club)

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Mar 06, 2021 | Kyle Mundell | 18394 views
The Burlington Eagles are proud to announce the second half of our AAA Head Coach line-up for the 2021-22 season! The Selection Committee would again like to thank all applicants for the positions, and along with Corey Locke and the Hockey Committee they would like to introduce the second half of our AAA coaching roster:

Stephen Tait – U10 AAA HEAD COACH

[email protected] – (905)-391-4937stait.jpg


Stephen Tait began coaching in 2004 as an assistant with the Minor Peewee AAA Eagles.  Since then, he has held various coaching roles over 13 seasons ranging from Tyke to Bantam. He most recently served as a head coach with the 2020-21 U9 Anderson Eagles. 

He currently holds a Development 1 Coach Certification from Hockey Canada.  Stephen grew up playing for Burlington City rep eventually finishing his hockey career with Brock University (CIS).


Stephen is passionate about creating a fun learning environment to allow a new generation of Burlington kids to fall in love with this amazing sport.



Paul Robbins – U11 AAA HEAD COACHIMG_6460.jpg

[email protected] – (289)-208-0609


Paul’s passion for the game started in Burlington playing AAA with the Eagles for his minor hockey career. He has coached the last 5 years with the Eagles starting from Junior Eagles to U10. He has also coached rep lacrosse and won provincials.


He prides himself on developing hockey players not just on the ice but off the ice as well. His high intensity practices and attention to detail provides support to get young hockey players to elevate their game to the next level.  Paul is a big believer of team unity, positive atmosphere and is still friends with many of his minor hockey teammates still to this day. 



Phil Kavanagh –U12 AAA HEAD COACHpkavanagh.jpg

[email protected] – (289)-242-8366


Phil grew up playing in the Burlington Minor Hockey system and has been on the bench behind Burlington Eagles teams since 2008.  He is excited to continue working with this great group of players! Phil's passion for teaching is rivalled only by his desire to inspire a love of the game.  He hopes to teach his players how to think and play the game, to instill good habits and characteristics that can translate into their everyday life. When Phil is not with his Eagles team, he can be found coaching Nelson High School hockey. 


Terry Willis – U13 AAA HEAD COACHtwillis.jpg

[email protected] – (416)-716-8739


Terry has been a resident of Burlington for over 25 years and has been involved with the Eagles organization for almost all of them, all his boys played for the Eagles. A former OHL and University defenceman he enjoys giving back to the game and doing his best to develop his players to be the best they can be as hockey players and people.

To see the first Under 14-18 Head Coaches, CLICK HERE.


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