Nov 23, 2017 | ajohnston | 1940 views
Bantam AAA Raise the Bar!
Every Friday evening the Wellington Square United Church on Caroline Street in Burlington hosts a community dinner. The program feeds many families in need as well as provides snacks and juice at local school programs. The dinner at the church is open to anyone who wishes to join for food and fellowship.
On Friday November 10 the Bantam AAA team and staff stepped up large and helped prepare a lovely meal, served clients dinner and provided fellowship. The players engaged in conversations with clients talking about things like school, hockey and their families. The clients are accustomed to sports teams coming in to see them. The clients love when the youth come and give back. Its a win win event. Each family on the team also gave a donation of snacks and drinks which will supply the school snack program for a couple of weeks.It was a great experience for the boys and staff and they really had a lot of fun.
The program coordinator was thrilled with our participation:
Thanks for all of your fine organizing, and the boys and their coaches were an amazing group. Wonderful working with coaches whose boys obviously respect and work well with them. This was evident throughout both shifts and right up to the end of the evening. Please also thank the team for their very generous donations of snacks and juice boxes. We give out 500-600 individual snacks every week as well as about 300 juice boxes. This will stock us up for the next couple of weeks and will help to fill the lunch bags of 50-60 children who come in our doors.