Your submission will be sent to this address for confirmation.
Example: ###-###-####
Please find the Sanction Permit # on the tournament's website.
What number of tournament is this for your team? The Eagles will cover costs for the first three tournaments for a team; any additional tournament is the responsibility of the parents. For any 4th or 5th tournament, please do not fill out the deposit or payment information.
Is this tournament during the Regular season? (In-season) - Or is it an Early Bird, Christmas, or Post-Season? (Out-of-Season)
This is the total cost of tournament registration
Coaches or team managers will pay the FULL REGISTRATION FEE to enter the tournament. The Burlington Eagles will then fully reimburse whomever paid the team's entry fee. Please fill out this section to get reimbursed for your full tournament registration payment. **IF THIS IF YOUR TEAM'S 4TH OR 5TH TOURNAMENT, PLEASE SKIP THIS SECTION.**
Total tournament registration amount in CDN funds.
Name of person that the Burlington Eagles will reimburse in full.
This email must be able to receive e-transfers.
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