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Feb 28, 2017 | Admin | 1280 views
Saturday, April 1st, 2017


1120 Burloak Drive

Cocktails 5:30 pm - Dinner 6:30 pm

Dress for the evening is evening formal so dust off your most dazzling party duds !  To avoid embarrassment, please let everyone in your group know the dress expectation !!

The 2016/17 hockey season is nearing completion and as in past years, the Burlington City Rep Hockey Club would like to thank all our volunteers and sponsors for their dedication and support.

This year again, team invitations will include seven staff members. Your staff (must be from your official team roster and must include your Parent representative and Food Drive Coordinator to a maximum of 7 staff plus spouse/guest) are invited. Invitations are extended to those who have significantly volunteered ---like you folks have!! (Thank you J).  Please contact me if you have any questions or special requests.

As in past years, we are delighted to offer advance seating. Tickets will be numbered by table and will be on sale on a first come, first serve basis. You will be able to view a table-seating chart and choose your own table! Tables seat 8 or 10 persons. (The hall cannot accommodate tables larger than 10, so please don’t ask – we already have!!).

Our theme this year is 007- James Bond – so exciting J  If anyone can help out with décor or props, please get in touch!

Ticket cost TBA but please note that we are obliged this year to charge HST on our ticket sales. 

To ensure that we can book your table efficiently, please have the Manger or one team representative co-ordinate your team booking.

In order to book the table, please ensure:

  • You know the number and names of committed guests attending
  • You have the money for the tickets.  Please note we cannot hold tables or seats without payment of tickets
  • Note: Cash or cheques are fine.  Cheques should be made payable to Burlington City Rep Hockey Club or BCRHC.  If you are using coach discretionary fund, mangers or head coaches must fill out and sign the City Rep Expense form. They must ensure their teams have sufficient coach discretionary fund for their tickets.
  • Your sponsor will receive and invitation from City Rep. You will need to follow up to see if they will attend so that you can determine their seating and we can provide you their tickets. (no cost for sponsor)

Ticket sales will take place at the City Rep Office:

March 8, Wednesday – 6:15 pm to 8 pm

March 11, Saturday – 10:15 am to 12 noon

March 15, Wednesday – 6:15 pm to 8 pm

March 18, Saturday – 10:15 am to 12 noon

March 22, Wednesday – 6:15 pm to 8 pm

Coaches and Managers, you must contact your sponsor & guest (2 persons) to arrange sponsor seating with your team.  If for any reason, they wish to be seated elsewhere, you must let us know so that we can arrange appropriate seating for them.  We are mailing sponsors an invitation, outlining that you will be contacting them for seating arrangements.  This is also great opportunity for you to extend an invitation to your sponsors to attend some of your playoff games – this is great PR and really helps us to renew team sponsorships for the fall.   Sponsor tickets are free and you will be able to pick them up along with your team tickets.

We are looking forward to a wonderful evening to celebrate our achievements and success in 2016-17.  Look forward to seeing you all there – don’t miss it!!  Your gala volunteers work extremely hard to make this event extraordinary -- Let’s make sure we support and celebrate everyone’s efforts and successes in our Eagle family.

Any further questions, contact me at [email protected]

Kind regards

Jean Longfield

Global Fuels
Official Sponsor of the Burlington Eagles Trainer Program