Message from President Dave Armstong, News (Burlington City Rep Hockey Club)

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Oct 15, 2024 | Susan Peak | 946 views
Message from President Dave Armstong
Dear Eagles Families:

I hope everyone is enjoying a great start to the 2024/2025 season and looking forward to time in the rink as much as I am!

It has come to my attention that one of the Clubs rules needs to be emphasized and reposted as a reminder to all of our players, parents and coaches. It is a violation of our club policy for a team to participate in any fundraising for the benefit of an individual team. 

Our mission is divided evenly between developing hockey players and developing strong character.  When our teams enter the community it is to support our community through raising food and money for the Gift of Giving Back , not to get the community to help pay for our hockey.

For decades now, it has been clear that whenever a player is in their jersey raising money it is for the Gift, members of the community know this.  We don’t ever want any confusion.

Please take a few minutes and read the policy below from our Board.

Thank you and see you around the rink. 

Dave Armstrong



Sponsorship and Fundraising Policy

The Burlington Eagles do not allow fundraising of any kind.  Therefore, no individual team, coach, manager, player or parent shall solicit any funds from any organization, fundraise or seek donations or sponsorships.

Coaches or parents do not “own” their teams.  Teams belong to the BCRHC and without the BCRCH-- there is no team.  The club establishes policies for the fair benefit of all players.  These policies are put into place to build a strong club culture of participants who not only consider their own team, but also consider all Eagles. Please respect the notion that all the Eagle players/parents are all part of “one team”.  We do not want to create a “have and have not” team hierarchy but wish all our team players to feel somewhat equally treated.  This goes especially for those teams thinking of fundraising for additional ice time 

These policies are also in place to protect and sustain our current valuable sponsors that, through their faithful support, advantage all players. 


Sponsors provide funding to the BCRHC for the benefit of ALL registered participants. 

No team can be sponsored individually for the sole benefit of their own team. Therefore, NO banners, apparel, or such may be acquired by individual teams with funds provided by outside “sponsors”.   Unauthorized use of the Eagles’ logo or the word “Eagles” is strictly forbidden.

Please do not approach anyone to solicit further funds, support or items/services for your individual team.


Fundraising for individual teams is not allowed.  The “Gift of Giving Back Community Food Drive” is exempted from this, as funds/food are raised for the community in which we reside and not for individual teams.  This campaign is part of our community obligation.

No team shall open any separate bank account for the use of the team under any circumstances. 

Failure to Comply with Club Policy

Any team or volunteer failing to comply with this policy may result in the following: 

1.       Possible removal or suspension of the Coach or staff member. 

2.       Possible censure/suspension of any parent/parent group.  

3.       Possible forfeiture of funds raised

4.       Possible forfeiture of the apparel, banner, or such other items deemed necessary.

The BCRCH Executive, at its discretion, will decide on a case-by-case basis if any team has failed to adhere or comply with policy, and what, if any, action needs to be taken against the offending team or party.

If your team has engaged in fundraising this season without knowledge of this policy, please get in touch with us immediately to determine a course of action going forward.

Thank you!

Board of Directors

BCRHC Burlington Eagles

Global Fuels
Official Sponsor of the Burlington Eagles Trainer Program