BURLINGTON EAGLES 2023 AGM: OCTOBER 17TH, News (Burlington City Rep Hockey Club)

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Oct 02, 2023 | Kyle Mundell | 841 views
The Burlington City Rep Hockey Club (BCRHC) will be hosting our 2023 Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 at 5:00pm.

A preliminary agenda for the meeting is included in this notice. Any additional agenda items (along with supplemental information for distribution) must be submitted to the Eagles office by an eligible Adult Member prior to October 10th in order to be placed on the agenda.


Anyone who is interested in attending the meeting is invited to do so, however only eligible Adult Members will be able to cast a vote. Guests will be able to listen but will not be given voting privileges.


If you cannot attend this meeting, you may vote by proxy.  To vote by proxy, complete the attached form (Appendix A) and return it as soon as possible to the City Rep office Appleby Arena. The person who will be voting on your behalf must be in attendance at the meeting and must also be an eligible voting member.


Nominations will be accepted from the floor under the following conditions:


a)               If a position with the BCRHC executive becomes open for the 2023-24 season.

b)               The person doing the nominating from the floor must be a voting member.

c)               The person being nominated must

          1)   be a voting member

          2)   accept the nomination

d)               A voting member must second the nomination.


Looking forward to seeing you on October 17th.


Burlington City Rep Hockey Club







1.               Meeting call to order


2.               Review of agenda and voting procedures


3.               Approval of minutes of 2022 Annual General Meeting


4.               Approval of Directors’ Reports

·       President’s Report

·       Financial Report

·       Hockey Report


5.               Approval of the action of the Board of Directors during the 2022-23 season




7.         Election of Proposed Slate of Directors who will be running for two-year terms. (see 2023_AGM_Appendix_B)  


8.         Adjournment
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