Established in 1997 in the spirit of Ron’s dedication to minor hockey
and his love of young people, the Ron
Wilkins Memorial Midget Scholarship is
awarded annually by the BCRHC Executive to a deserving
graduating Midget. The scholarship award in the amount of $1,500 is intended to assist him/her in
his/her pursuit of a university or college post-secondary education.
Player Eligibility: To be eligible, the player must be a graduating midget residing in Burlington who has played a majority of his/her minor hockey career with the Burlington City Rep Eagles.
During that time, he/she must have demonstrated exemplary character, significant scholastic aptitude, leadership potential, teamwork and an appreciation for community involvement. The candidate should serve as a loyal and positive role model to all Burlington Eagles.
Application Procedures: Players are requested to submit:
- a letter to the BCRHC Executive, outlining details about himself/herself, the selection criteria and eligibility requirements. The letter should also include particulars about the player’s individual Eagle experience and how this experience has been personally beneficial or rewarding.
- At least two recommendation letters. These may be from a principal, teacher or counselor from his/her high school or another individual (not a relative) such as coach, employer, etc., who is familiar with the player’s accomplishments and character.
- Current official transcript
- Evidence of any other awards, accomplishments, volunteerism, etc.
Application packets must be received by Friday, April 9th. Please deliver to the hockey office at 1176 Blair Road Burlington, in a sealed envelope addressed to Jean Longfield.